
Review of The Courage to Laugh (Paperback)

I purchased this book and read it after the deaths of three immediatefamily members (son, father, mother-in-law) occurred within a year's time. I reached a point wherein I asked myself, "How have I been able tocope with all the stress this year, and why am I coming unglued now?" The answer is in the title of the book. What helped me throughout the yearwas my wit. I realized that I needed to nurture my sense of humor as muchas I needed food, clothing, shelter, love and prayer.

Through AllenKlein's book I discovered that, in the face of trauma, humor is as much asaving grace as are spiritual/religious beliefs.

I heartily recommendthis book for anyone who is facing a terminal illness or who has a lovedone who has a terminal illness, as well as for those who are at least ayear past the death of their loved one (unless they have an extremelyaccessible wit).

Laughter is excellent medicine.Buy this book, but thenremember to take the medicine!Laughing in the face of death, or findinglight when one feels that life is dark, is a challenging task.It takescourage to search thoroughly and find humor's rainbow behind the darkclouds of grief.

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