
Review of Dreams of Sleep (Contemporary American Fiction) (Paperback)

i loved this book, especially the characterization of Alice. She makes me feel normal, with her strange outbursts and feelings. She's a woman who goes by omens, including what's carved by strangers' fingernails on afrozen package of chicken. She strangely salivates as she picks at herdaughter's head for scalp buildup. This isn't all what the story's about,but i just couldn't put the book down. Josephine makes each of the threecharacters a star for one chapter, so you can really get inside their headsand receive information that the other characters don't know. It's abouthope and despair and human relationships, the darkness of marriage and thelight at the end of it. I loved how Alice follows Claire around, almoststalking her that way, like the wife does with the other woman. i like howshe smokes just as it gets dark, when she feels the most despair. i reallyrelated to alice. i think josephine is a very gifted writer.

Product Description
Alice Reese knows that the cheerful sounds of her family eating breakfast mask a ten--year marriage falling apart.As Alice and her husband, Will, struggle to understand--and perhaps recapture--the feelings that drew them together in the first place, their interior lives are sensitively and convincingly explored.

Winner of the Ernest Hemingway Foundation Award

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