
Review of The Everything Wedding Organizer; Checklists, calendars, and worksheets for planning the perfect wedding [ILLUSTRATED] (Spiral-bound)

I bought four wedding planners/ ettiquette books for my wedding and I found this one to be the most helpful of ALL of them! The ettiquite books are great for reference, but the other PLANNERSare too large for takingto appointments! (most are 8x11" or larger) This planner's SIZE isperfect, and it had everything in it for ALL of my appointments...all theinformation I needed, plus worksheets and space for notes. I haverecommended the book to 4 friends of my mine who are getting married andall 4 have thanked me over and again for pointing out this book to them! Weall had different budgets and ideas, and the book helped all of us to planthe perfect wedding! My suggestion: get this book and a small day planneror calendar, take them with you to every appointment, and you'll be on yourway to your dream wedding!

Product Description
It's A Piece Of Cake!

The Everything Wedding Organizer features everything a frazzled bride-or groom-needs to get organized. Complete with dozens of worksheets, checklists, pockets, and loads of helpful hints, this handy planner can help you develop a working strategy to create the wedding of your dreams.

Arranged chronologically, The Everything Wedding Organizer takes a step-by-step approach to the ceremony and celebration. Beginning with setting a date and creating a budget, every aspect of the wedding is covered, right to the last details, including the honeymoon. And it's small enough to carry around to appointments with florists, caterers, and other wedding professionals.

With its light and fun tone, this organizer is exactly the tool you need to plan-and achieve-the perfect wedding.

Click Here to see more reviews about: The Everything Wedding Organizer; Checklists, calendars, and worksheets for planning the perfect wedding [ILLUSTRATED] (Spiral-bound)

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