
Review of A Guide to Moving Seasonally (Paperback)

This book is not helpful.It could easily have been useful had the writer put in information he said we needed, instead of trying to get you to buy a membership into his website where "supposedly" the real information is located.So, in fact, I purchased a book that was in reality an advertisement for his costly website.A total rip-off!

Product Description
This how-to guide is indispensable for the person who moves from one home to another for at least two months at a time -whether you are on line or not.For those of you already on line, we include references to moving1stclass.com to introduce you to our site's enhanced services and other helpful Web sites. Those of you not on line will find valuable information to save you money and facilitate the moving process. We've also included tools to enable you to execute your tasks the "old fashioned" way - by mail or phone, pencil or calculator.If you fit any of the following profiles, you're the person we've written this book for:* You own or rent a second home that you use for more than two months of the year;* You have a comfortable income, leisure time at your disposal, and travel for extended periods;* You have a business that requires long-term relocations;* You're a college student who leaves home to live on or near campus during the school year.

We offer you a handbook that contains comprehensive information on what to do before you leave your home, tips on how to get to your new location, and advice on what to do when you get there.The outline that follows is a compilation of everything that we provide you in the guide and on the Web site -- a wealth of information, services, and tools to help you streamline your move to that temporary address.

From the Publisher
Two Jacks from Boston, after long careers in a big time high tech company, finally became Snow Birds spending winters if Florida.The pragmatic Jack fretted over the fact that moving seasonally involved a lot of work, worry, time, frustration and many mistakes. He tapped problem solving Jack to see if they could come up with a way to streamline the seasonal move process. The result: Moving1stclass.com, a Web site for the temporary move that is so comprehensive you'll wonder how anyone could take a step without it.

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